2020年度元合回顾特辑 – 荣誉篇

16 11 月, 2020








“The Real Deal”是美国访问量最大的300个网站之一,专注于提供最新的纽约房地产交易信息、数据,其统计市场实际数据及核心指标,具有相当的权威性。疫情来袭,经济下行,政府办公停滞,人员跨境受阻,这一切使得纽约这一全球房产交易主要市场面临巨大挑战。面对种种不利因素,元合律师事务所纽约办公室迎难而上,在挑战中抓住机遇,凭借出色的专业能力和敬业精神,在众多国际大型知名律师事务所中脱颖而出,在The Real Deal发布的本年度纽约房地产交易排名中荣膺第34名。


3 1 月, 2019


大部分移民局下属移民类项目属于后两类范围,所以受到的影响会比较有限(如采用了Premium Processing的加急服务)。但是,请注意有部分移民局下属项目(如E-Verify和EB-5投资移民项目)属于“政府拨款项目”,故有可能受到政府停摆影响而造成延迟或暂停。在移民局给出进一步具体通知后,我们会在第一时间通知收到影响的客户。


Cap Gap for Students Without a Rejection or Decision

15 5 月, 2017

USCIS announced on May 3, 2017, that data entry for FY2018 has been completed and that petitions not selected in lottery would begin to be returned. However, it may take several weeks for all unselected petitions to be returned. In the interim, for those cases where neither a receipt nor a rejection notice has been received, students may continue to benefit from an automatic cap-gap extension until a rejection notice is received. Once such a notice is received, a student has the standard 60-day grace period starting from the date of the rejection notice or their program end date, whichever is later, to prepare for and depart the United States.

Impact of “Hire American” Provision in New Executive Order Remains to Be Seen

24 4 月, 2017

On April 18, 2017, President Trump signed his latest Executive Order “Buy American and Hire American.” The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) observed that while today’s announcement reflects the administration’s desire to move toward reforms to the H-1B program, there will be no immediate changes or impacts on H-1Bs. Simply put, it appears that the agencies are asked to review policies related to all visa programs and recommend changes to root out “fraud and abuse,” and to propose additional reforms so that H-1B visas are awarded to the most skilled or highest-paid applicants.

AILA President William A. Stock said, “Today’s announcement brings to mind a famous phrase from Shakespeare’s MacBeth: ‘full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’ While the agencies are being asked to undertake a review of the H-1B program, the reality is that many of the changes contemplated by the administration will require legislative action, or at minimum, the lengthy rulemaking process. Rather than ‘sound and fury,’ what we really need is President Trump and Congress to work together on immigration reform that will bring our legal immigration system into the twenty-first century, so we have a system that works for us all.”

Stock continued: “Our immigration system is critical to all geographic and industry sectors, not just Silicon Valley. H-1B workers help transform state and local economies across the nation, from Boise, ID, to Raleigh, NC, Des Moines, IA, and Lincoln, NE. H-1B workers are vital to our healthcare system, and to our manufacturing and energy industries. Any reforms proposed by the Trump Administration as a result of this Executive Order should be based on facts and data, not innuendo and anecdote, and must ensure that our immigration system, including the H-1B program, remain viable tools for U.S. businesses seeking to build and maintain a globally competitive workforce.”

AILA Doc. No. 17041850

For the complete executive order please see Buy-American-Hire-American